From the smallest to the largest championship, FeisMark handles them all
FeisMark now comes in a single 'Gold' version*: It has all the functionality you need to handle the largest championship.
Basic features
- Competitions can be set up at any time in advance, or done 'on the day'
- Competitor number alone may be set up, or dancer name and school as well
- Any number of competitors
- Any number of competitions
- Simple, rapid data entry
- Any number of competitions can be 'alternated' or run in parallel
- All calculations are done without human intervention
- Caters for one to five adjudicators
- Caters for two or three rounds plus a recall round
- Handles 'no recall' championships
- Prints championship rounds as solo results if required
- Calculates recall positions and prints list of recalled dancers
- Reports are printed 'at the push of a button'
- Calculates final positions, and prints winners' roster and final grid
- Data can be exported to other popular software, including Microsoft Excel
[*There is also a 'Royalty' licence available for those who would like to use
FeisMark to offer scoring services to third parties. Contact
us for details.]