We have made every effort to ensure that FeisMark will work first time, every time. We regularly use the software ourselves to score live championships, and we know how well it works under pressure.
We are always glad to talk about FeisMark and will give detailed answers to appropriate questions, but purchasers have the prime responsibility to ensure that the software is suitable for their particular needs.
We will replace faulty goods supplied by us without hesitation. However, we are not in control of the circumstances under which FeisMark is used at individual feiseanna, and cannot take responsibility for costs relating to the failure of any computer system or software to perform a particular task at a given time.
We strongly recommend at least one 'backup' system being in place ready to take over in the event of a system failure.
If you have any hesitation about the ability of FeisMark to do the job under specific circumstances, we will be very happy to advise. See our contact details.
If you have a feis coming up, please make sure your copy of FeisMark and all of your equipment is fully operative in plenty of time. We are always happy to help with any problems you may hit with FeisMark, but we are sometimes away on business -- maybe even on holiday -- for a number of weeks at a time. We may not have access to telephone, email or Internet, and may not be able to fix your problem without access to our systems here in the office. It remains the user's responsibility to ensure that the software does what is necessary and is functioning correctly for use when required.