
How much graphic

The standard FeisMark software package costs a straight-forward £130, US$220, or 220 Euro.

But remember - it can pay for itself at its first feis, and you only have to buy it once!

We have a PayPal account so that you can buy securely, quickly and easily -- and without extra charges. There are PayPal buttons on our home page to enable you to pay in Pounds Sterling (GBP), United States Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR). Contact us for further details or click whichever button suits you best.

We can also accept cheques in Euros or Pounds Sterling, or international money orders in any negotiable currency at the exchange rate ruling at the time of payment. Click the link below for a pop-up currency converter: Personal Currency Assistant

We put our price 'right up front' speaks for itself, but to put it into perspective even more it's worth thinking about:

* Scoring services often take many other tasks off your hands, and we do not underestimate or minimise the fantastic job that they do.

With FeisMark and an ordinary PC, you can:

Best of all: